Friday, November 1, 2013

Fall Inspiration in Schonnbrunn Park

Model: Nickie Stoicheva

It is a national public holiday all over Europe today! Taking advantage of all these sunny Autumn Austrian days by shooting Nickie in one of my favorite parks in all of Vienna - Schonnbrunn Park in the 12th District - literally our backyard! Usually, I go here to read, study some words in German, or eat lunch (when it's warmer). The Hapsburgs royals used the grounds to vacation in every summer during the empire days, and has a great castle, one of Europe's oldest zoos, and if you have the energy to climb up the hill, one of the best views of the city!

While Mercury is in retrograde for the next 10 days, I tend to do plenty of reflection and reconnecting with old friends, which is a great idea anyways weather one of the planets is going backwards or not. Quiet alone time here is one of the best places to contemplate and recharge your creative juices!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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