I grew up in Southern California, but  since 2007 I've been travelling around Europe. My favorite countries in Europe are Italy, Slovakia, and Austria! My part of Europe is an exciting place to live in because it's the part where an interesting crosspolination of cultures and art is taking place. The young people here are very creative and I love that energy! My personal blog with more dance related and work stuff is at http://www.chrisbryandance.comwww.chrisbryandance.com

I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA, yeah go Bruins!) and I'm interested in all things new media, production, and dance (finishing my internship at F.M. Rocks, a music videos production house). I spend the majority of my time creating for myself and others! I recently got into photography, so hopefully you can see some of my photos improve as I get better! For a living, I make others look good through movement and feel more confident about themselves! I have several clients, companies, schools, and singers that I freelance for. I've also started work on my own company, in the works. Dance to me is a great medium for storytelling and self-expression. I'm obsessed with pop music and I'm unapologetic about that! I created this blog primarily to collect all the interesting things I find online from clothes, art, music, and photography. My group of friends include students, artists and young professionals making their way into the world, my DREAMERS, I like to call them. I named this blog in French, I guess the meaning could be cheekily translated as "fashion of boys/kids" or even "ways of boys/or kids", cuz deep down inside, sometimes I still feel like I'm 14!

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