Thursday, October 24, 2013

Photo essay: "Between Points A and B"

At times, I feel as if I spend more time commuting to work and appointments than I actually do on the job (Not true, but if you've lived, have lived, or visited L.A., you know what we mean!). Blame it on our always on the go, mobile culture but this feeling of rushing between points A and B is a feeling much too familiar by Generation Y. A good few items to take with you before you leave your flat!

A good sturdy bag with lots of room! A must for schlepping all that paperwork mixed with your clothes for a late night dance class. Probably a good idea also if you had a bag within said bag in case you stop by the organic grocery store for some produce!

Hats. Let's face it, I would love a good hair day, every day, but, sadly, the reality is that that's only a possibility if you're rocking the bald look.

Headphones. Not only is the world polluted by trash and carbon emissions, we have to deal with pollution of the noise variety! Better to be rocking out secretly to the new Miley album, than having to hear homegirl's dramz next to you on the train!

Smartphone. (Of course.) I love the ones that are banged up with scratched screens: show's thati it's been well used and gives it character.

I think i wrote too much already! Got a recording and show to go to!

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