Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pretty in Punk (Monday Moodboard)

Perhaps it's the cold weather or the anxiety for 2011 that's making me wistful for anti-establishment music, a then-cutting edge 90's sitcom, and a cool rebel yell. Or maybe it's just I feel so sick of the proper xmas cardigans and tailored sweaters I wore through all the Christmas meals and gatherings. Oh perfect studded black leather jacket you are so mine, ditto for cut-off denim studded vest trimmed in leopard. Springtime won't you please come soon?!
Forse è il tempo freddo o l'ansia per 2011 che mi fa nostalgico per la musica anti-establishment, un sitcom Americano degli anni 90, ed un urlo ribelle. O forse sono solo stuffato dei cardigan di Natale propri ed i maglioni che ho indossato attraverso tutti i pasti di Natale e le riunioni. Oh giacca di pelle studded e perfetta, sto cercando per te! 'Pure te, denim gilet lepardato! Ma la primavera quando arriva di nuovo??

Saturday, December 25, 2010

MERRY XMAS ! / A Kylie Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I thought this post would be somewhat feel-goody and inspirational considering today. You guys MUST check out this trailer for "I AM!" I know I know, it's soooo like that movie "What the Bl**p," or you MAY outright reject it as some Newage propaganda, but it gets good and as I grow up and search for deeper meaning in things.. I think and say: "WHY NOT?" to the documentary's main premise.

Alright, if you didn't like that one, here's Kylie with a XMas Medley. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

x mdg

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Modelgeddon: Love Magazine & Versace Movie Collaboration - Ana Beatriz B...

Granted this came out in October, but this Modelgeddon video just rattled me and put me in a spiral this morning! The models' moves are fierce and those stilletos even deadlier in this Versace x LOVE mag collabo! Watchout! No more hints are given as to the story or plot, all we get are writhing visuals and close-ups of Versace denim and clothes. Can't wait for this to come out. I hope the two companies can create a new genre all in all! Molto figo davvero.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

On Our Radar : Georgy Baratashvili

I was so fascinated by Georgy's collection for his spring 2010 line featuring strappy gladiator sandals that reminded me of Caesarian-era Rome that I was thrilled to find this year's Autumn/Winter collection on the interwebs. A professional dancer for 15 years before he started his futuristic fashion line after attending St. Martin's in London, we can easily identify with his forward-looking vision and outlook. Bold architectural shapes are featured that are almost out-of-this-world and belong more on a stage or a Hollywood set than they do on the streets. Uhmmm, straight out of the dancer's closet, did anyone else notice the converted arm-warmers and leg-warmers?? Chic.

images courtesy of Georgy Baratashvili . com

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Fighter Trailer


L.A. PUNK editoriale per TESTMAG

Even if in real life it's hard to find occasions and events to go punk (cyber or steam, pick your poison), we love the aesthetics and ideals of punk culture and lifestyle, even if we live in an image obsessed Italy. Mainstream designers, themselves, are redefining the punk aesthetic or outright mining the culture (Viv Westwood, you reading this?)  - i.e. Rick OwensJeremy Scott and Vivienne Westwood -- Henry Holland you're in here too. What's not to like: fierce independence combined with a devil-may-care attitude and choices that at first seem to be piecemeal (responsible consumption, anyone?)-- All are ideals one can certainly inject in a world turning scarily conservative and afraid of new ideas! 
-mdG x

Persino se nella vita reale è difficile trovare occasioni e gli eventi per indossare punk (cyber o steam, sceglete il tuo veleno), noi amiamo l'estetica e gli ideali della cultura punk e lo stile di vita, anche se viviamo in un Italia ossessionato della "bella-figura" Designer mainstream, se stessi, stanno ridefinendo il punk oppure minerando la cultura (Viv Westwood, stai leggendo questo?) ad essempio: Rick Owens e Jeremy Scott - caro Henry Holland, si anche tu fai parte di questo elenco. Cosa non si piace: una indipendenza fuocosa, combinato con un atteggiamento devil-may-care e le scelte che in un primo momento sembrano essere frammentario (dobbiamo consumare con responsabilita' , no? ) - tutti sono ideali si può certamente iniettare in un mondo spaventosamente diventando piu' conservativo e che ha paura delle nuove idee!
-mdG x

Fotografo : Robin Black
Stylist: Brett Bailey @ Atelier Management NYC
Modelli: AJ English @ NEXT, Kerry Krosgrad, Lauren M. Brock
Natasha Roozrokh, Niko Karamyan, SooJoo @ Ford Models
Trucco: Gloria Noto @ The Rex Agency
Hair: John Ruggerio @ Starworks Artists
Images via TESTMAG

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Tree of Life Trailer

Sometimes you just get bored of crashing cars or gooey zombie flicks, so enter this coming-of-age, metaphysical, existential film featuring Brad and Sean. But must we wait after the holidays for this teary jewel to arrive at our nearest cineplexes?? US Release date: May 27, 2011.

On Our Radar: Ivan Sokolyanskiy (Ucraina) - Le Sue Parole

So I finally got Ivan from Wednesday's post to sit down for a minute to divulge and dish.
"My friend photographer wanted to shoot me in an image of wild young man who is disappointed in people and in the way we live. This young man wants changes... So, I had to design something dark, and I was inspired by song "It's Today" by Dope Stars Inc., I can't say I like music like this, but the song is so true. And even more I want to see some ballet group dancing in my T-shirts like this.

I find fashion not only like an industry, it's business, but it's also the way I can make people inspired by the images I want to create to become better, to change themselves and to change the world. I want our world to be peaceful one day.

Fashion has become an essential part of life. It's not only an outfits it's the way of life. And I know only one trend that have to stay forever, it's a recognition of need to change ourselves and our world. I don't want to make clothes for people who want just to buy more clothes and be "fucking cool", I want to see people who wear my designs to make this world beautiful. So, my primary audience are purposeful artistic positive and strong within young people.

Someone can tell I'm naive person but it's better to be naive than to give up from your dream and yourself just for making money on fashion."
<<Il mio amico (il fotografo) ha voluto scattarmi in un'immagine di giovane selvaggio che è deluso nelle persone e nella maniera che viviamo. Questo giovane vuole dei cambiamenti... Così, ho dovuto disegnare qualcosa del buio e sono stato ispirato dalla canzone "It's Today" di Dope Stars Inc., non posso dire che amo la musica come questa, ma la canzone è così vero a me. Anzitutto voglio vedere un ballo di gruppo nei miei magliette come questa.

Trovo la moda non solo come industria, e affari, ma anche [framite la moda] posso fare delle persone ispirate dalle immagini che creo. Vuole creare per diventare meglio, cambiarsi e cambiare il mondo. Voglio il nostro mondo sia pieno di pace un giorno.

La moda è diventata una parte essenziale di vita. È non solo uni equipaggiamenti è lo stile di vita. E so solo un trend che deve restare per sempre: è il riconoscimento del bisogno di cambiarsi se stesso ed il nostro mondo. Non voglio fare dei vestiti per le persone che vogliono solo comprare in più solo per essere "fucking cool." Voglio vedere le persone che indossano i miei progetti di fare questo mondo bello. Così, il mio pubblico primario è risoluto artistico positivo e forte giovanotti.

Qualcuno possa dire che sono una persona ingenua ma è meglio di essere ingenuo di rinunciare dal suo sogno e da te stesso solo per fare soldi.>>

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Boys of Leisure Editorial : Milano

Adopted city's Naviglio and Brera never looked more romantic (even if fashion capital at the moment is gray and cold.) Capturing the elegant essence of these two Milanese neighborhoods is photographer Cecille Harris for Client Magazine. Featuring deconstructed and re-imagined coats, blazers, and dress shirts (look very closely) that remind me of Fritz Lang's Metropolis. An ode to urban futurism indeed.

Fotografo : Cecilie Harris
Styling : Sofia Bjarno
Modelli : Sim e Tom @Oxygen
Assisting : Livio Damiano

check out the full story at thedesignscene

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Shirt Surgery 2012 / Ma che vuol dire che il mondo sta per finire nel 2012?

What exactly did the Mayans mean about a great big transformation in 2012? Doomsday adventists and ballyhooers say the end is nigh, but I think it'll just be a great excuse to go out in shredded punk clothes ala Mad-Max or Tank Girl (remember the Pamela Andersson version? Loves it.) The outfit and and photos are from Ukrainian model-designer-dreamer (TRIPLE THREATH!) Ivan Sokolyanksy (twitter: @Ivan_Sklnsk). When I can get him to sit still from his schedule and divulge his thoughts, I'll post his thoughts on the blog. In the meanwhile, dream on dreamers.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Unwrapped! L'Uomo Vogue Dicembre

Nothing will lift my mood quite like a new shiny glossy, especially if it's the new Vogue L'Uomo! I love the cover featuring Italian blues singer, Zucchero, and featuring a whole slew of artists that are working in different medias, hence the headline: "Unconventional!" Stay tuned for the interesting tidbìts!
Non c'è niente che mi rende più felice come una nuova luminosa rivista, specialmente sia la nuova L'Uomo Vogue. Adoro la copertina con Zucchero e gli altri articoli sugli artisti che stanno lavorando in media diverse! Controlla il sito domani mentre aggiorno il blog con gli articoli più interessanti. XD
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from WIND

Sunday, December 12, 2010

sweet LOVE editorial

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from WIND


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from WIND

sweet LOVE editorial

I love the oversize teacup! Genius.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from WIND

sweet LOVE editorial Vanity Fair Italia

Vanity Fair Italia 15 Dicembre 2010
Fotografo : Chris Craymer
Stylist : Hyun Kim
Modelli : Brian Davenport @MAJOR Models Nina Van Bree @Women Direct

Waking up to a very cold Sunday morning. All of Europe it seems is under the grips of a coldspell. Time to turn up the fires, make a cup of hot coco and if you have someone special in your life..snuggle and lounge up close in layers of warm yummy flannels. So you guys can imagine the fuzzy feelings that this LOVE fashion editorial from this week's Vanity Fair evokes from the pages as I spend the morning flipping through a stack of this week's current events. The editorial features staples and loungewear from Italian brands such as Tezenis, Freddy, Intimissimi, and Yamamay. The Pictures in this editorial are so "troppo dolce" that I may be putting the majority of these pics on my wall or scrapdreambook to inspire and invite this energy into my living space! Buongiorno e buona domenica!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Friday Re-cap

Well it's been 5 days since the blog has been up, yayah! Started on Monday and now have about more than 200 views (and no, I have not been hitting the refresh button on my Rockmelt browser thank you very much! I will now have an outlet to dish out my thoughts and musings. So thank you all for tuning in! Family and friends mostly for now, huh?

Personally, I can't wait for the holiday break we have coming up as these last 2 weeks have been stressful on both body and (sometimes) mind. Just because you love your job, doesn't make it much easier! The pressure to outperform yourself and execute an impeccably at all times weighs on many an overachiever's shoulders. (sob, sob. *cue violin strings playing sad sonata here*)

Anyways, here are my favorite stories this week. Google them if you will.

1. The Rise of the Jessica Simpson Fashion Empire !
2. Nicola Formichetti, the Gaga's stylist (meat or police-dress tape, anyone?) wins big at British Fashion awards. Complimenti!
3. Burberry, the British fashion empire, is up for sale...anyone have $10billion lying around?
4. Blogger Susie Bubble gets not only a mention but an entire article in the New York Times. (The Oxford Dictionary, hereafter, will have to consider adding "bargainous" and "printastic" to the 2011 edition.)

H&M Holiday 2010 Campaign

Nothing says, I came to spread holiday cheer quite like the right shade of red, in a Mr. Rogers-style cardigan! I'm feeling all Christmas-y all of a sudden! 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

H&M Look Book: Menswear SS2011

Take a look at the H&M menswear collection for Spring/Summer 2011. H&M and its designers seem to be betting that the military trend of this Fall will carry unto the next season as well as the short shorts motif we've seen this past summer. The collection is comprised of sober tones of navy blue and olive with slim-fit suits, jogging pants, and slouchy light sweaters.
In anteprima: il collezione Primavera/Estate 2011 di H&M. H&M e i loro designatore sembrano scomettendo che il trend military di questo autunno continua al prossimo stagione, anche i pantaloncini super-corti motivo che abbiamo visto questa estate. Il collezione e fatto di colori sobri: blu e verde oliva con complete silm-fit, pantaloni felpati, e maglie larghe.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Neo Grunge Editorial : Elle Japan January 2011 Editorial

Elle Japan - Gennaio 2011

Modello : Stas Svetlichnyy
Fotografo : Michael Sanders
Stilista : Carola Bianchi

Do you remember Monday's Lookbook on Neo-Grunge? I was stoked to find out this morning that an editorial spread on Neo-Grunge is featured in next month's Elle Japan! Stylist Carola Bianchi pairs expensive couture hand-knit dresses and sweaters with plaids and flannels that look like it could have been salvaged from your local Salvation Army or the sale racks at a K-Mart in Des Moines!
Vi ricordate il Lookbook da lunedi'? Sono impazzito a scoprire stammani che un editorial su Neo Grunge e' featurato nella Elle Japan per il prossimo mese! Stylist Carola Bianchi utilizza vestiti e maglie couture fatto alla-mano con tartan e flannel che sembrano avrebbero comprato da Salvation Army (negozio charity negli stati) o al K-Mart a Des Moines!

Louis Vuitton x Scott Campbell for Spring/Summer 2011 Menswear Collection

Looking forward to see what is birthed between these two artists. Are we going to see another Ed Hardy-esque line with tattooed sleeves and dragon / tiger trucker hats? I sure hope not. I dig this man's attitude right now, a match made in heaven?


In attesa di vedere cio' che e' creato tra questi due artisti. Ma vedremo un'altra linea simile a Ed Hardy con maniche tatuate oppure cappelli di camionista con draghi e tigri? Speriamo di no!

Monday, December 6, 2010

On our radar: In the Beginning (Melbourne, Australia) Fall 2011 Lookbook

Keep an eye out for this new label from "Mel-behn" mates. Designer duo Sandro Alleri and Daniel Argondizzo have designed pieces that are true to their surroundings and relaxed urban lifestyle. Both wearable and sure to become staples in your wardrobe, the Fall 2011 collection includes the knit sweater in that dreamy midnight hue and the charcoal trench to ward off autumnal winds and spring rains. The collection and more about the label is available on their website at : In The Beginning

London Leather

Guest blog on the leather trendemic in the British capital by Emma Copland from Lon-daaahn. Thanks Em! xo

London is a city with a huge variety of cultures and styles but one thing that people do seem to be agreeing on is the fact that leather is hot right now. Leather may resonate thoughts such as hairy bikers or Halle Berry’s questionable remake of Cat Woman, but in London people are working it in a new way.
Leather has made its come back in an adaptable form to suit all, though mainly in classic black there has been an appearance of tan and camel for a softer look.

These are a few of" My Best-of" British pieces that I believe represent this flourishing trend."

Monday Lookbook: Neo-Grunge

The 90s grunge look, characteristic of flannel shirts, ripped jeans, Nirvana and Kurt Cobain is making a resurgence these days. Marc Jacobs in 1997 even created a grunge-inspired collection for Perry Ellis that didn't fare too well with the public. Grunge was primarily a backlash to the 80s power-suit and the wall-street stereotype. It's also based in practicality, having originated in rainy cold Seattle; a warm flannel shirt (in some form of plaid) is layered over a T-shirt or a long-sleeve waffle thermal ("long johns") shirt and possibly a cardigan over the shirt. The neo grunge look is more chic and refined. The inspiration is more The Hills/Phantom Planet than Nirvana and it's perfect for wearing in any city this winter. Update your look in the Spring by choosing a brighter cheerier plaid or even a brighter beenie!

How To Wear the Look

First off, wash you hair! Just kidding. The base of the grunge nouveou look is the plaid print button down shirt pressed and ironed of course. Pair it with a clean pair of black skinny jeans, trade the flat-bill baseball cap for a beenie or skullcap and be sure you have a bit of fringe sticking out in the front. The look is already relaxed as it is,  so our goal is to dress it up a bit. Shoe options: I would add desert boots from Clarks, Converse high tops with a leather finish, or even a pair of Doc Martens. This winter, keep warm by layering or finishing the look with a classic knit cardigan (make it a Fair Isle print and you'll be on-trend). Perfect jackets to complete the look include military-inspired trench and duffel coats in black or gray. Accessorize with that elegant silver or stainless steel watch you may already have (or borrow from your father.)